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Positioning Zero Trust as a top topic in the cybersecurity industry

Written by Virginie Cantin | 29.03.2024 12:05:39

About United Security Providers

United Security Providers is a leading cybersecurity company in Switzerland, offering uncompromising protection and security through zero-trust architectures. As a leading provider of IT security solutions, United Security Providers delivers customised solutions and services from Switzerland at the highest level, enabling companies to meet the challenges of cyber threats in an increasingly networked world.

Case study summary


United Security Providers were faced with a challenge: how to reach the target audience consistently, publicise internal expertise, and at the same time control costs per contact? United Security Providers decided to use Cotide to conduct a benchmark study, focussing on the important area of Zero Trust in IT security.

This example shows how Cotide's platform enabled United Security Providers to position itself with its target audience and stay top-of-mind with the topic of zero trust architecture.

The challenge was to find more effective methods to sustainably position the topic of zero trust architectures with the target group and always remain top-of-mind. This was to be done as automatically as possible, while at the same time establishing a continuous system for market research, communication, and identification of interested parties.


The aim is to develop a long-term and efficient strategy to continuously address the target group and communicate the complex topic of zero-trust architecture. Through targeted marketing measures, strategic partnerships and the use of innovative technologies, United Security Providers strives not only to reach potential customers, but also to retain them in the long term.

Solution Implemented

With the help of Cotide, United Security Providers launched a benchmark study focussing on Zero Trust and new threats from artificial intelligence (AI) in collaboration with the University of Applied Sciences in Business Administration Zurich (HWZ) and industry experts like CATO Networks and Futurae.

The comprehensive Cotide software platform was used to orchestrate and manage the entire campaign, from contact enrichment to data analysis. Strategic partnerships with recognised companies in the industry were also used to increase reach.

The Zero Trust benchmark covers the following dimensions:

Key Strategies

Innovative Software Use: Cotide's comprehensive software platform is used to orchestrate and manage the entire campaign, from distribution and data collection to data analysis.

Strategic Partnerships: Expanding reach through partnerships with recognised companies in the industry.

Engagement Phases: Use of our platform to address contacts in a personalised manner across all campaign phases: Data collection, distribution of reports and creation and distribution of benchmarks.


  • Participation: 240 companies actively took part in the study, demonstrating the effectiveness of the campaign and its relevance for the industry.
  • Engagement: The first publication of the study report was met with great interest: 1,250 interested parties engaged with the results of the study, which was facilitated by Cotide's targeted communication functions.
  • Potential: Cotide's platform supported an annual study campaign that enabled United Security Providers to stay top-of-mind and collect the most important data on zero trust architectures.

Future plans and takeaway

Encouraged by the success of the first study, United Security Providers is already planning the second annual edition. Cotide's platform has proven to be a major advantage for United Security Providers in consolidating its position as the industry leader in zero trust architectures.

United Security Providers' use of Cotide's software platform has set a new standard for content creation in the IT security industry.

Through the use of innovative software, strategic partnerships and a well-thought-out campaign, United Security Providers has significantly solidified its top-of-mind positioning capabilities.