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Building Marketing & Sales Automation Engines for B2B Tech

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Benchmark reports, podcasts and webinars on marketing and sales automation in B2B.

What is the customer experience?

Every interaction of a customer with a company is characterized by emotions. For example, the customer is looking for advice, orientation, or a quick and easy purchase process. Influenced by the...

What is Digital Marketing?

In order to carry out digitally targeted marketing, a definition of goals and means is necessary. It can often make sense to severely limit the means in order to convey the advertising message in a...

How does an online survey work?

The online survey can be easily created and quickly provide relevant results, for example, through a multiple choice procedure. The prerequisite for this is to identify the right participants.

What is Video Marketing?

Video marketing is carried out on the web, especially in social networks, such as Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and Xing - but also on video platforms, here especially YouTube. Videos have been...

What is an online marketing strategy?

It defines what the goal of a campaign should be, with which means and measures this should be achieved, and makes clear demands on controlling. It is embedded in the overall corporate strategy and...

What is a Funnel?

A marketing funnel helps illustrate the buying process of a potential customer from the first contact with a company (e.g. website visit) to the effective purchase.The analogy of the funnel comes...

What is Neuromarketing?

Neuromarketing attempts to fathom how purchasing decisions are made in order to use these findings to optimize advertising measures using various instruments. The central assumption is that...

What is a podcast?

An informative or entertaining audio or video podcast can strengthen the bond between the target group and the company and should therefore be considered as a possible advertising medium.Meanwhile,...