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Building Marketing & Sales Automation Engines for B2B Tech

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Benchmark reports, podcasts and webinars on marketing and sales automation in B2B.

What is B2B Marketing?

Marketing that is aimed directly at the relevant decision-makers in companies and can therefore differ greatly in its structure and strategy from B2C marketing is referred to as B2B marketing.In B2B...

What is Programmatic Advertising?

Anyone who has the goal of addressing a clearly defined target group at a specific time benefits from the timely and, above all, appropriate playout of advertisements. In a kind of auction, offers...

What are Bing Ads?

Ads of the search engine Bing, which can be profitable especially for companies that can identify a part of your target audience as users of Bing.

Marketing tools for the marketing mix

The marketing mix describes the totality of all activities defined to achieve the marketing objectives. It is divided into four areas: Product policy, pricing policy, distribution policy and...

What are Linkedin Ads?

There is a choice of classic ads, but also personalized messages that can be sent directly to suitable contacts.

What is a keyword research?

The goal of keyword research is to find those terms that are often used by the target group and that are suitable as a basis for a content strategy. The monthly search volume (= how often is the term...

What is Native Advertising?

This form of advertising is used to disguise, if possible, that it is advertising, so that more people pay attention to the ad.