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Building Marketing & Sales Automation Engines for B2B Tech

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Benchmark reports, podcasts and webinars on marketing and sales automation in B2B.

What is Data Science?

Structuring data in this way enables targeted optimization processes that can have a decisive impact on a company's sales.In marketing, this approach, among other things, supports the optimization of...

What is Machine Learning?

It comprehensively enables automated analysis and interpretation of large amounts of data, only requiring input at the beginning. Contexts are abstracted by the system and can then automatically be...

What is a lead magnet?

Lead Magnets are used in lead generation to convert users into leads. The Lead Magnet is relevant content that is provided to the user free of charge in exchange for their personal information.The...

What is a Marketing Qualified Lead (MQL)?

A marketing qualified lead (MQL) is interested in the topics and offers of a company and therefore shows an active interest in further information and content. Based on the lead's active consent,...

What is lead scoring?

Lead scoring is part of lead nurturing and is based on a predefined criteria grid that evaluates each interaction of the lead with the company. In this way, each lead receives a specific score, which...

What is a micro influencer?

The number of followers required to be considered a micro influencer depends on the platform - on Instagram, an account with up to 25,000 followers is considered a micro influencer.Research shows...

What is Influencer Marketing?

Influencer marketing makes use of the awareness and popularity of individual people who are active online. These can be celebrities in the classic sense, but also popular people on platforms such as...