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Building Marketing & Sales Automation Engines for B2B Tech

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Benchmark reports, podcasts and webinars on marketing and sales automation in B2B.

What is a touchpoint?

During the customer journey, a customer passes through different touchpoints with a company. Examples of a touchpoint include posters, websites, newsletters, trade shows, or a phone call.

What is Customer Journey Management?

Customer journey management describes the planning of the various phases that a person undergoes before, during, and after purchasing a product or service.

A purchase is usually the result of a long...

What is the Customer Journey?

Another change in e-commerce product sales will be the sales channel. "Your customer doesn't think in channels," says Marc Gasser, CEO of Pedalix AG. What is important when considering the points of...

What is a persona?

A persona is a marketing tool that helps to better understand one's own target group. The persona is described in detail so that everyone in the company has the same understanding of the persona.