Sales Automation Canvas

3 min read
19.06.2024 21:37:43
Sales Automation Canvas

B2B companies are trapped in a quagmire of inefficiency. They spend countless hours on administrative tasks and miss valuable opportunities because they don't optimize their sales strategies. Sales reps spend 75% of their time maintaining CRM systems, creating reports and juggling endless meetings. The actual sales time? A measly quarter of their working time. This imbalance leads to frustration, missed opportunities and stagnant growth.

B2B marketing is in a state of upheaval. Companies that rely on traditional methods are realising that they are no longer delivering the desired results. Customers are flooded with information, and only those who take innovative approaches will stand out. This is where the Sales Automation Canvas comes into play - a revolutionary method for optimizing marketing and sales processes and achieving more sales.


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The challenge

Many companies waste valuable time and resources by focusing on the wrong leads. This is compounded by traditional approaches such as mass emails and general marketing campaigns. These often lead to high costs and low success rates. The result? Dissatisfaction on both sides - customers and companies.

Activities with impact

The Sales Automation Canvas offers a structured method for optimizing marketing and sales processes through automation and the use of artificial intelligence (AI). With this tool, companies can increase their efficiency by focusing on the activities that have the greatest impact on their growth.

The Sales Automation Canvas

With the Sales Automation Canvas, you can transform your company from a sluggish tanker to an agile speedboat. You have more time to focus on strategic deals and customers experience a personalized, thoughtful approach that really meets their needs.

The increase in efficiency not only leads to more closed deals, but also to more satisfied customers and motivated teams. In a world where timing is everything, the Sales Automation Canvas ensures that your company is always in the right place at the right time - ready to seize every opportunity and leave the competition behind.

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The value streams


Lead Research: Identifying and leveraging existing contacts and targeting new accounts.
A/B Test Hooks: Testing different messages and hyper-personalization to increase efficiency and relevance.
Hyper-personalization: Building relationships via LinkedIn and automated outreach.


Content atomization: breaking down and adapting content for different channels to ensure maximum relevance.
Collaboration: Conduct benchmark studies and events to gain valuable insights and promote exchange.
Follow-up Automation: Automate the follow-up and nurturing of leads.


Lead scoring: Using lead scoring methods to determine the right time to make contact.
Consultative Selling: Conducting 1:1 conversations and demos to understand customer needs.
Pipeline Management: Create comprehensive reports to support pipeline development and continuous optimization.

Supporting functions

Technology: CRM & Sales Tech

By using modern CRM systems such as HubSpot and Salesforce, companies can effectively manage their customer relationships and optimize sales processes. This leads to improved data quality and increased efficiency in deal management.

People: OKR, North star Alignment

A well-aligned team of marketing and sales people use common OKRs and growth levers to develop and implement the best strategies. This promotes coherent and effective collaboration.

Process: AI use cases

Using AI to automate and improve sales and marketing processes, such as lead scoring and personalization, leads to time and cost savings as well as higher sales figures.


The Sales Automation Canvas provides a structured method to increase the efficiency and agility of B2B companies. By applying this method, companies can gain specific customer insights and optimize their sales and marketing strategies to achieve sustainable growth.

Download the

Download the full Sales Automation Canvas here and start transforming your sales process today.